Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What is Digital Storytelling and How Can You Make it Work for Your Business?

What is Digital Storytelling and How Can You Make it Work for Your Business?

Data science has become increasingly ubiquitous over the years. From measuring customer expectations to conducting transactions, almost every aspect of a business is based on data.

Even though data has turned out to be crucial for businesses to thrive in this highly competitive world, the risks of information overload cannot be ignored. This risk poses a threat to the very thread of communication between businesses and consumers.

Rows of numbers and facts will hardly make sense to the customers if there isn't a way to convey the brand's message to them in a way that is relevant to them. This is where digital storytelling becomes relevant.

What is Digital Storytelling?

Stories have the power to surprise and inspire us. Stories are memorable. They make us think and help us remember concepts and ideas in a way that numbers don't. Storytelling through digital media helps brands convey their ideas and market their products to the customers. The idea is, if customers buy what you are saying, they will buy what you are selling.

Through stories, you will be able to better explain how a product or a service that your business provides will make your customers' lives better. Digital storytelling is a marketing tactic that can bring a brand to life. It is the driver of change and hence, perceived as a timeless skill.

Effective Digital Storytelling Methods

Choose a Theme

The potential of digital storytelling lies in its ability to share the brand's message. The story you create about your brand should answer the following questions:

  • What does your brand symbolize?

  • How would your target customers benefit from the products and services your business provide?

  • Why would your target customers choose you instead of your competitors?

To make the digital story successful, you would need to collect data that are relevant to your target customers. There are numerous data collection techniques that you can avail. For example, providing free WiFi to customers in exchange of basic information can be useful.

Select a Plot and Add Characters

Adding characters will make the story more relatable. It will help in connecting your brand with your customers and build credibility with your prospects. This will add a human touch to the story. The plot should reinforce the brand's message to the audience. Most importantly, it should be simple enough for everyone to comprehend what you are trying to say.

You can consider including a focus group as characters of the video you create. They can speak on behalf of your target consumers. The fact that the characters voice the concerns of the customers can work to your brand's advantage. Characters countering your ideas can also prove to be highly beneficial since such questions of customers can be solved in the story itself.

Including the CEO of the brand can also be a good idea. S/he could portray the story and the purpose behind the brand.

Make it All About the Customers

Brands that tell great stories are the ones that rarely go unnoticed. The idea behind digital storytelling to market your brand is to make the customer the hero of the story.

For example, Apple's advertising campaigns are primarily focused on the customers and how their products can make their user experience better. Instead of focusing on the product, Apple lays stress on the experience that these products can provide the customers. This strategy has turned out to be a huge success for the company.

Following along similar lines, Airbnb has spun captivating digital stories. It is an online marketplace for homeowners to rent their properties to travelers. Their stories are completely focused on the homeowners and the travelers.

Find Real Stories

Real stories can help in building trust. You can ask your existing customers to share their feedback and comments about the services that your business provides and consider starring some of them in your stories. Done right, this will allow your target customers to connect with your brand emotionally.

For example, Airbnb features videos and bios of the hosts registered with them.

This approach not only appeals to the emotions of your customers but also aligns your story with their journey.

Digital storytelling is an effective skill with clear benefits. Done right, you can harness the power of stories to connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Storytelling Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "What is Digital Storytelling and How Can You Make it Work for Your Business?" was first published on Small Business Trends

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