Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Spotlight: Primaseller is a Swiss Army Knife for Small Retailers

Spotlight: Primaseller Retail Software For Small Business is a Swiss Army Knife for Retailers

There's a lot that goes into running an online retail business. And all of those tools and resources can be costly and complicated for small businesses. But that's exactly what Primaseller is trying to simplify.

The company provides a number of different solutions for retail businesses, online and offline. Read more about the story behind the business in this week's Small Business Spotlight.

Retail Software for Small Business

What the Business Does

Provides inventory, processing and POS solutions for businesses.

Founder and CEO Mohammed Ali told Small Business Trends, “Primaseller is a swiss army knife for small retailers. You can synchronize all online and offline channels for inventory as well as order processing and it also has a POS solution deployed on the cloud for as many stores as possible.”

Business Niche

Connecting to ecommerce channels and providing powerful tools.

Ali says, “We don't just integrate online channels, we have our own powerful POS and deep inventory management solution across multiple locations.”

How the Business Got Started

To solve problems with inventory and orders.

Ali says, “The founders come from retail operations and technology backgrounds and were fascinated by the problems faced by SMBs synchronizing inventory and orders - which seemed to have such an elegant solution with technology.”

Biggest Win

Securing investors.

Ali says, “We've been trusted and invested by Mumbai Angels, India and M&S Partners, Singapore over two rounds which shows the faith that we have been able to build with our investors and customers.”

Biggest Risk

Switching tech platforms.

Ali explains, “Our biggest risk was to discard our old tech platform and pick up a new robust one. This meant several months lost not making new features but simply rebuilding existing ones. But the risk paid off since the platform is much more robust and scalable.”

Lesson Learned

Focus on global markets.

Ali says, “We were running out of money and customers weren't adopting us fast enough. We quickly pivoted to global markets where we got strong interest and our investors backed us up and gave us a lifeline.”

Spotlight: Primaseller Retail Software For Small Business is a Swiss Army Knife for Retailers

How They'd Spend an Extra $100,000


Favorite Quote

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda from Star Wars

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: Primaseller; Top Image: Founder and CEO Mohammed Ali

This article, "Spotlight: Primaseller is a Swiss Army Knife for Small Retailers" was first published on Small Business Trends

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