Saturday, October 22, 2016

10 Tips for Increasing Small Business Efficiency

Business Productivity SoftwareEfficiency is an important part of running a small business. When you have fewer resources than large companies, you need to be able to get more done with less. There are ways to increase efficiency in all areas of your business, as members of our small business community have learned. See some of their top tips in the list below.

Learn the Power of Personal Branding

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, it's not enough to simply brand your business. You also need to consider your own personal branding. You can learn a bit about personal branding from the experts included in this post by Dipti Parmar on Preceptist .

Get Stuff Done With Productivity Tools

Want to get more done in less time? There are plenty of different productivity tools out there that entrepreneurs can benefit from. Some small business experts shared their favorites in this post on Tina's Blog. We were thrilled to have Small Business Trends' publisher and CEO Anita Campbell included.

Network a Conference Like a Jedi

When attending conferences for your business, networking is a must. And if you really want to help your business, you need to learn how to network like a Jedi, which you can do with the tips in this Content Marketing Institute post by Aaron Orendorff. You can also see discussion surrounding the post over on BizSugar.

Protect Your Business from Phishing Scams

Phishing scams can really harm small businesses. But if you know how to protect your business and data, you can really decrease your chances of seeing any negative impact. This post by Ramon Ray of SmallBizTechnology includes some tips to help your small business avoid phishing scams.

Use These Tools to Guide the Blogging Process

Blogging isn't as simple as just jotting down a few thoughts and hitting publish. You need a strategy and a lot of help if you want your blog to be effective. Luckily, there are plenty of blogging tools available to help you create your own blogging process, as Neil Patel shares in this post.

Scope Out Your Competition With These Sneaky Strategies

Keeping an eye on the competition is essential if you want your business to be competitive. And there are some simple ways you can do just that, as outlined in this Small Business Marketing Tools post by Kevin Bartley. The BizSugar community also shares thoughts on the post.

Develop and Fulfill Your Philosophy for Top-Notch Web Content

Your idea of the perfect web content strategy isn't likely to look the same as anyone else's. And no other strategy is likely to work perfectly for your business. But you can develop your own philosophy and use it to make the best web content possible, as Neletha Skelton details in this Media Shower post.

Get the Benefits of a Responsive Website

If you don't already have a website that is responsive, you should probably consider the potential benefits of doing so. In this post, Steven Werley explains some of the key reasons small businesses should have responsive websites.

Use Integrations to Increase Productivity

Since there are so many different business tools out there, choosing tools that can easily integrate with other tools can greatly increase your productivity. In this Duct Tape Marketing post and podcast, John Jantsch discusses integrations with Wade Foster. And BizSugar members talk about the post further too.

Add These Filters to Your Interview Process

If you want your business to be successful, you need to hire the best people. And that means you need to develop an interview process that is most likely to bring you those perfect candidates. This CorpNet post by Jeanne Grunert goes over some key parts of the hiring and interview process.

If you'd like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Productivity photo via shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Increasing Small Business Efficiency" was first published on Small Business Trends

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