Saturday, October 15, 2016

Build Strong Customer Connections With These Community Tips


Connecting with customers is an essential part of running a small business. There are many ways to potentially make those connections, including through lead generation, social media and more. Here are some specific tips from members of our small business community for building strong connections with customers.

Use These Proven Customer Acquisition Strategies

Gaining new customers isn't always easy. But there are some proven strategies you can use to greatly improve your odds of acquiring new customers to your small business. Evan Tarver shares some of those proven strategies in this Plousio post.

Know Your Customers So You Can Beat the Competition

You can't hope to be competitive as a small business unless you really know and understand your customers. In this post on the blog, Juste Semetaite explains how knowing your customers can really help you beat the competition as a small business.

Avoid These Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Social media can be a very effective way to reach out to and connect with customers. But you need to avoid the common mistakes included in this Start A Fire post by Rachel Bartee if you want your campaigns to be successful. You can also see discussion surrounding the post over on BizSugar.

Use These Small Business Lead Generation Techniques

In order to connect with your customers you first need to generate leads. There are many potential techniques you can use, like the ones listed in this post by Clement Lim on the limwriter blog.

Boost Your Q4 Social Advertising With These Tips

Social advertising can be a great way to reach out to your audience and customers. But you need to have a specific plan in place in order to make the most of your quarterly advertising budget. This Marketing Land post by Brad O'Brien includes some tips to help you boost your Q4 social advertising.

Build Trust With Your Sales Leads

In order to convert leads into customers, you need to build trust. You can improve your ability to build trust with sales leads with the tips in this post by Peter Seenan on the Leadfeeder Blog. And BizSugar members also commented on the post here.

Avoid These Mistakes to Help Your Blog Convert

If you want your blog to actually lead to more customers, then you need to make sure it's converting. And there are some common mistakes bloggers face that lead to a lack of conversion. This Basic Blog Tips post by Christopher Jan Benitez includes some of those mistakes along with some tips for avoiding them.

Learn How to Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories can be a great way for brands to really connect with customers. But you need to understand exactly how to use it first. Here, Falynn Derderian of The Condiment Marketing Co. shares some tips for using Instagram Stories for food brands and more.

Consider Developing a Mobile App

If you want your business to connect with its customers, you need to be able to reach them on the platforms they use. And that means going mobile. This post on the crowdSPRING blog by Lauren Nelson includes some considerations small businesses should make when thinking about launching mobile apps. And the BizSugar community also shared input on the post here.

Use This Free Promotional Idea to Boost Page Views

You can't connect with customers online unless you can first get them to visit your website. That means you need a promotional strategy. This post from Susan Solovic details a free idea you might recognize from your local theater group that can also help your small business.

If you'd like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Customers photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Build Strong Customer Connections With These Community Tips" was first published on Small Business Trends

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