Saturday, October 8, 2016

10 Technical and Tactical Tips to Improve Your Business Today

multitasking tips

There are many ways to improve your business, both technical and tactical from changing your tools to changing your outlook and approach. Here the small business community shares changes in tools and techniques both large and small that will make a big difference in how your company performs.

Optimize Your Images Using Imagify

Images are so important to any website or online marketing content. But you need images that are actually optimized if you want them to have the biggest possible impact. That's where Imagify comes in. This post by Steven Werley includes some information about the tool and how it can benefit small businesses.

Say Goodbye to Multiple Devices

Many business owners and professionals today find themselves with several different tech devices they need to use on a daily basis. But that might not be necessary for much longer, according to this SmallBizTechnology post by Ramon Ray, which also includes some tips for consolidating devices.

Get Better at Content Curation

Curating content for your online audience can help you share high quality items that will keep your potential customers engaged. But there's a right way to do curation, as Steve Williams details in this Buzz and Tips post. BizSugar members also discuss the post further here.

Don't Let Fear of Failure Hold Your Business Back

Failure is a possibility for every small business. But if you constantly act out of fear of that failure, it can really have a negative impact on your business. Here, Rieva Lesonsky shares some thoughts on failure, fear and how to keep your business going even through that fear on CorpNet.

Promote Your Website on Mobile

Having a mobile presence is no longer optional for businesses. So you also need to be able to promote your website on mobile devices. This post by Pradeep Kumar on Hellbound Bloggers includes some tips you can use to promote your website on mobile.

Get Out of Your Own Way

Sometimes, business owners can be their own worst enemy. But you need to determine how to best support your work without putting unnecessary pressure on yourself if you want to succeed. This Strella Social Media Post by Rachel Strella discusses this concept further. And the BizSugar community also shares thoughts you might coonsider.

Use Webinars to Get Clients and Customers

Sometimes the best way to get a message across to customers isn't putting together a neat little package in a blog post, video, newsletter or other piece of content - it's simply talking to them. That's why webinars can be so effective. Here, Parker Davis shares some thoughts on webinars on the Nebraska Entrepreneurship blog.

Captivate Your Readers With Content

There are many different forms that content marketing can take. You can have blog posts, videos, social posts, newsletters and more. But no matter what form it takes, your content needs to be captivating if you want it to have any impact, as Brittany Hillen details in this Media Shower post.

Honor Yourself as a Business Owner

Being a small business owner can lead to many potential opportunities. So you don't want to work so hard that you forget to enjoy the positive things about entrepreneurship. This post by Carolyn Higgins of Fortune Marketing Company deals with honoring yourself as a business owner. And BizSugar members also comment on the post.

Let Your Company Benefit from Telecommuting

Telecommuting is a growing trend among a wide variety of businesses. And there are plenty of potential benefits that your business can realize from letting employees telecommute, as Wendy Dessler explains in this post on the Noobpreneur blog.

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Tools Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Technical and Tactical Tips to Improve Your Business Today" was first published on Small Business Trends

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