Sunday, September 11, 2016

10 Ways to Get Media Attention for Your Business

One of the best ways to promote your small business is through the media. But it's hard to get media attention.

Think about it, all those newspaper and TV reporters are bombarded hundreds of times a day with breaking news, tips and yes, businesses like yours. Have you tried to break through the noise only to be lost in the cacophony?

Have you tried reaching out on social media every day, calling every time you have something to say, and creating a sense of urgency so the media gets engaged? Well guess what? That's not gonna cut it.

The fact is, you need to work for the media, not the other way around and that's exactly what the video above is all about.

Being Useful is the Key

The key to working for the media is being useful – being available and helpful, not bothersome and pushy. You need to help those newspaper and TV reporters do their jobs and, the better you get at it, the more attention you're going to get from the media.

Make your business, as well as your employees and yourself, a resource for them to tap. Invite them to events but be understanding when they can't make them. Let them know you're an expert and offer your help when current events warrant. Be easy to reach or they'll reach somewhere else.

Slow and steady wins the media attention race and the 10 tips in the video all aim to help you get to the finish line.

Have you had success at getting the media's attention? Did you try one or more of the tips in the video above? Please share your experiences in the comments below because that's another way to get media attention, this time in the comments on Small Business Trends.

Make sure to also check out the full list of 28 ways to get your business media attention.

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This article, "10 Ways to Get Media Attention for Your Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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