Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spotlight: Pyze Levels the Playing Field for App Publishers

Spotlight: Mobile App Marketing Solution Pyze Levels the Playing Field for App Publishers

As mobile apps become more and more popular, the resources available to those app publishers also continue to expand. But the tools available to smaller app publishers are much more scarce than those aimed at larger companies and app developers. That's where Pyze, a mobile app marketing solution provider, comes in.

Read on for more about Pyze and what the company does to help small app publishers in this week's Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers tools for mobile app publishers.

Dickey Singh, co-founder and CEO of Pyze told Small Business Trends, “Pyze offers a mobile intelligence and personalization platform, Pyze Growth Intelligence, that enables mobile app publishers of all sizes to maximize app growth and personalize engagement – free of charge.”

Business Niche

Leveling the playing field for app creators.

Singh says, “The primary differentiator of Pyze is our mission to democratize the mobile app market. Pyze is based on the notion that the overwhelming majority of mobile app publishers competing for users' screen time are simply ill-equipped to succeed. In addressing the needs of this majority, Pyze provides immense value to a large, underserved market. The Pyze Growth Intelligence platform offers immediate access to premium analytics, intelligence-driven marketing and automated growth - the same capabilities for which our competitors charge thousands of dollars per month - for free.”

Spotlight: Mobile App Marketing Solution Pyze Levels the Playing Field for App Publishers

How the Business Got Started

After developing successful mobile apps.

Singh says, “Prior to founding Pyze, we have had the great fortune of developing applications that gained large amounts of traction (i.e. millions of users). However, we became extremely frustrated with existing mobile marketing solutions that were ineffective at engaging with users and far too expensive. An exhaustive market survey revealed that today's big data analytics solutions required a ton of work to deploy, yet provided few capabilities for analysis or targeting specific user groups. Considering today's advanced machine learning technologies, manually segmenting users seemed arcane. These solutions also use web-based paradigms that are crudely adapted to mobile. Additionally, they are very cumbersome, time intensive, and require users to have data science knowledge to interpret the results. The need for something better was painfully obvious to us.”

Biggest Win

Launching Pyze Growth Intelligence.

Singh explains, “After two years of building out the platform, six months of conducting a very successful and enlightening beta program, and a total of 10 hours of sleep in the five days leading up to the launch, we flipped the switch. March 29 is the day that all of this work finally came to fruition. At the same time, it marks the beginning of an exciting journey for us. Somewhere in Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud data centers, 120 Pyze servers are already singing the algorithms we taught them. Since the big day, we've added 150 app publishers to our platform, with more coming in every day!”

Biggest Risk

Building a product for small app publishers.

Singh says, “One of our core customer groups are small app publishers, most of whom make less than $500 a month from their apps. We challenged ourselves to build a solution using open source components that could enable us to develop a cost structure and thus offer the service for free to this large underserved market.

It took us almost a year and a half of development and testing to create the infrastructure that met our business requirements, and now we have a very attractive offering for any app publisher interested in growing their business.

Had we not been able to develop the solution within the business constraints put forward and licensed software like some of our competitors, we would not have been able create a viable business model.”

How They'd Spend an Extra $100,000

Awareness building and marketing.

Spotlight: Mobile App Marketing Solution Pyze Levels the Playing Field for App Publishers

Biggest Challenge

Naming the Business.

Singh explains, “Our company name was probably one of the most involved naming exercises ever. We wanted to express both the complexity of the back end system and the simplicity with which we present actionable information. So we thought about the symbol Pi (which signifies complexity) and Pie Charts (which signify simplicity) and, after a lot of thinking, arrived at Pyze.”

Favorite Quote

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: Pyze [Top Image - From left to right - Dickey Singh (CEO), John Chisholm (Chairman), Venkat Mantirraju (Former Director Engineering), Mohan Pandiyan (Sr. Software Engineer), Nick Wrenn (Frontend Engineer), Muntek Suri (Director Cloud Operations), Adrian Fritsch (Sr. Software Engineer), Prabhjot Singh (President); Second Image - Around the circle, from left to right - Shilpa Murali (Intern), Jesse Dawson (Contractor), Adrian Fritsch (Sr. Software Engineer), Muntek Suri (Director Cloud Operations), Nick Wrenn (Frontend Engineer), Mohan Pandiyan (Sr. Software Engineer), Dickey Singh (CEO), Prabhjot Singh (President); Third Image - From left to right - Adrian Fritsch (Sr. Software Engineer), Muntek Suri (Director Cloud Operations), Prabhjot Singh (President), Mohan Pandiyan (Sr. Software Engineer), Dickey Singh (CEO), Allison Marino (Frontend Engineer), Nick Wrenn (Frontend Engineer), Venkat Mantirraju (Former Director Engineering)].

This article, "Spotlight: Pyze Levels the Playing Field for App Publishers" was first published on Small Business Trends

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