Saturday, September 17, 2016

10 Tips for Pushing Your Small Business Team to Victory


Having a great team can be a huge benefit to any business. But even if you have the greatest employees, you still need to support them in a number of different ways to get the best possible results. Here are some tips from members of our small business community about supporting your team and getting the best possible results for your business.

Have Your Sales Team Leverage Content Marketing to Close More Leads

You might think that content marketing and sales are two completely different avenues. But you can actually have them work together to help your business. This Kissmetrics post by Derek Cromwell outlines how your sales team can leverage content marketing to close more leads.

Encourage Everyone to Take the Occasional Digital Vacation

Running a successful business and managing a team means that you need to be energized and ready to work. But it's easy for people to get worn out or stressed by being constantly connected. That's why Lisette Sutherland suggests taking a digital vacation in this Redbooth post.

Don't Get Overwhelmed With Too Much Data

There's so much data out there for businesses to learn from these days. But there may come a point where you simply have too much data and not enough direction on how to actually use it. For more thoughts on not overwhelming your team or your business with data, read this post by Megan Totka on Biznology. Then check out what BizSugar members had to say.

Use These To-Do List Templates

Keeping your team on track can be a complicated process. But sometimes, all you need to do is provide them with the right tools so that they can manage their own tasks. This Process Street post by Ben Mulholland includes every to-do list template you or your team might ever need.

Jumpstart Your Influencer Marketing Program

Your team doesn't always just consist of the employees who come into the office every day. You might also consider influencers and brand ambassadors to be important parts of your business. Here, Blaise Lucey shares some strategies you can use to jumpstart your influencer marketing program on MarketingLand.

Don't Build a Business on Individual Heroics

Having great employees is a benefit for any business. But if you focus too much on each individual team member's heroics rather than your team as a whole, it could be a detriment. Here, John F. Dini of Awake at 2 O'Clock shares thoughts on the subject. And the BizSugar community also chimes in here.

Use Brand Awareness and Reputation to Drive Growth

There are many different ways you can grow your business and your team. But in order for any of those strategies to actually work, you need to focus on creating some brand awareness and a positive reputation for your business. Ivan Maryasin shares some thoughts on the subject in this post on the BrightEdge blog.

Establish Health, Safety and Environmental Rules in the Workplace

Factors like health and safety are so important for businesses and their employees. So if you don't already have policies in place regarding those factors, it could be time to create them. This Techlofy post by Diana Smith goes over how to create some of those workplace rules.

Do Your Due Diligence to Validate Any New Venture

Before you jump into a new venture, it's beneficial for you and your team members to do your due diligence. In this Startup Professionals Musings post, Martin Zwilling shares some due diligence steps you can take to validate any new venture. And BizSugar members share thoughts on the post here.

Follow These Top Business and Entrepreneurship Blogs

In order to effectively manage and support your team, you need to have the best possible information at your disposal. You can learn a lot by following some top business and entrepreneurship blogs like the ones in this First Site Guide post by Anja Skrba. Small Business Trends is honored to be included.

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Winning team via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Pushing Your Small Business Team to Victory" was first published on Small Business Trends

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