Saturday, August 20, 2016

10 Seemingly Unrelated Lessons that Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur


Though few outside the community may understand this, entrepreneurship is not just about profit and risk. It's also about endless curiosity and the willingness to try something new. The true entrepreneur won't be able to resist exploring the lessons below. But while your curiosity might draw you in, what you'll come away with is something more. Because these seemingly unrelated lessons from our small business community will also make you a better entrepreneur in the end.

Unlock the Secrets of the New Google Goals

Google recently released a new tool designed to help people set and achieve their personal and professional goals. And as Mike Gingerich points out in this post, you can actually use the tool to help create some work-life balance.

Determine Whether Humor is Best for Your Brand

Humor can be a useful business tool in certain situations - but not all. If you're going to use humor in your marketing plan or any other part of your business, check out the tips in this Media Shower post by Tricia Edgar.

Discover These Must-Haves for Your eCommerce Website

Not all eCommerce sites get the best results. Those that don't do well could be missing some essential elements like the ones included in this Lidyr Creative post by Nikki Purvy. BizSugar members also share thoughts on the post here.

Capture the Magic of Instagram Stories

Instagram recently released a new feature that's similar to Snapchat. Instagram Stories can be a potentially valuable tool for businesses. But first, you need to know how to use it. Daniel Charlton of the Excel Visibility blog explains in this post.

Uncover Unique Ways of Sending Your Message

There are plenty of different ways to get messages across to consumers. You can show them visually through things like infographics. You can use storytelling methods. And there are plenty of other methods you can use, like the ones listed in this Causeview post by Doron Barbalat. Though the post is written for non-profits, there are some important takeaways that can apply to many different business types.

Embrace  “Martech” and Help Your Team Do the Same

Marketing technology can certainly be a benefit to businesses in many different ways. But some still struggle with embracing that technology. If you're unsure how to embrace “martech” in your business, check out the tips in this Marketing Land post by Mary Wallace.

Master the Art of Facebook Marketing

Facebook can be another great tool for businesses to reach online consumers. But it's not always easy. To get the best results possible with Facebook marketing, you should take these tips from Rieva Lesonsky on the CorpNet blog into account.

Explore the Concepts of Customer Delight

No matter what actual tools you use, your overall goal should be to delight your customers in some way. There are some basic concepts that you can use to create a sense of customer delight, as Ed Leake shares in this FATbit post. You can also see discussion surrounding the post over on BizSugar.

Unravel the Secrets of Superhero Bloggers

Different businesses use blogging in different ways. But if you want to be successful in sharing your content and reaching your audience, you need at least a few of these blogging secrets that can turn you into a superstar blogger, according to Theodore Nwangene on Mostly Blogging.

Learn How Supercomputers Are Shaping the Future

The technology and tools that businesses use are constantly changing. So keeping up with those changes can be extremely beneficial. In this post on the Who Is Hosting This blog, KerriLynn Engel shares some thoughts and an infographic about how supercomputers are shaping the future of humanity.

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Knowledge Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Seemingly Unrelated Lessons that Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur" was first published on Small Business Trends

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